We show how we can compute projections onto an intersection of multiple sets using PARSDMM, parallel PARSDMM, multilevel PARSDMM and multilevel parallel PARSDMM.
using Distributed
@everywhere using SetIntersectionProjection
using MAT
using LinearAlgebra
ENV["MPLBACKEND"]="qt5agg" #select pyplot backend
using PyPlot #optional, for plotting only
mutable struct compgrid #define a computational grid information type
d :: Tuple #spacing between grid points in each direction
n :: Tuple #number of grid points in each direction
#PARSDMM options:
options = PARSDMM_options() #get and fill all options with defaults
options.FL = Float32
#other options include
x_min_solver :: String = "CG_normal" #what algorithm to use for the x-minimization (CG applied to normal equations)
maxit :: Integer = 200 #max number of PARSDMM iterations
evol_rel_tol :: Real = 1e-3 #stop PARSDMM if ||x^k - X^{k-1}||_2 / || x^k || < options.evol_rel_tol AND options.feas_tol is reached
feas_tol :: Real = 5e-2 #stop PARSDMM if the transform-domain relative feasibility error is < options.feas_tol AND options.evol_rel_tol is reached
obj_tol :: Real = 1e-3 #optional stopping criterion for change in distance from point that we want to project
rho_ini :: Vector{Real} = [10.0] #initial values for the augmented-Lagrangian penalty parameters. One value in array or one value per constraint set in array
rho_update_frequency :: Integer = 2 #update augmented-Lagrangian penalty parameters and relaxation parameters every X number of PARSDMM iterations
gamma_ini :: Real = 1.0 #initial value for all relaxation parameters (scalar)
adjust_rho :: Bool = true #adapt augmented-Lagrangian penalty parameters or not
adjust_gamma :: Bool = true #adapt relaxation parameters in PARSDMM
adjust_feasibility_rho:: Bool = true #adapt augmented-Lagrangian penalty parameters based on constraint set feasibility errors (can be used in combination with options.adjust_rho)
Blas_active :: Bool = true #use direct BLAS calls, otherwise the code will use Julia loop-fusion where possible
feasibility_only :: Bool = false #drop distance term and solve a feasibility problem
FL :: DataType = Float32 #type of Float: Float32 or Float64
parallel :: Bool = false #compute proximal mappings, multiplier updates, rho and gamma updates in parallel
zero_ini_guess :: Bool = true #zero initial guess for primal, auxiliary, and multipliers
#select working precision
if options.FL==Float64
TF = Float64
elseif options.FL==Float32
TF = Float32
Set other performance related items that are not SetIntersectionProjection
options. SetIntersectionProjection
solution times will be affected by these. Do not forget to set export JULIA_NUM_THREADS=2
or any other number of Julia threads that you want to use before starting Julia. In Julia you can check how many Julia threads will be used using the command Threads.nthreads()
Load an image or model that we want to projection onto the intersection.
file = matopen(joinpath(dirname(pathof(SetIntersectionProjection)), "../examples/Data/compass_velocity.mat"))
m = read(file, "Data");close(file)
m = m[1:341,200:600]
m = permutedims(m,[2,1])
#set up computational grid (25 and 6 m are the original distances between grid points)
comp_grid = compgrid((TF(25.0), TF(6.0)),(size(m,1), size(m,2))) #set up as compgrid( (dx,dz) , (nx,nz) ) in 2D, in 3D use compgrid( (dx, dy, dz) , (nx, ny, nz) )
#use as comp_grid.n and comp_grid.d
m = convert(Vector{TF},vec(m)) #PARSDMM needs the 2D/3D model as a vector, also convert to the desired precision
We are ready to select the constraints that we want to use. The following block of code sets up and generates the linear operators and projectors onto each set separately. This part is optional, you can also use your own scripts to generate pairs of linear operators and projectors.
constraint = Vector{SetIntersectionProjection.set_definitions}() #Initialize constraint information
m_min = 1500.0
m_max = 4500.0
set_type = "bounds"
TD_OP = "identity"
app_mode = ("matrix","")
custom_TD_OP = ([],false)
push!(constraint, set_definitions(set_type,TD_OP,m_min,m_max,app_mode,custom_TD_OP))
#slope constraints (vertical)
m_min = 0.0 #transform-domain lower bound (may be a vector for bound constraints)
m_max = 1e6 #transform-domain upper bound (may be a vector for bound constraints)
set_type = "bounds"
TD_OP = "D_z" #choose any of the operators listed on the main page ("D_x", "D_z", "D2D", "identity", “DCT”, "DFT", "curvelet")
app_mode = ("matrix","")
custom_TD_OP = ([],false)
push!(constraint, set_definitions(set_type,TD_OP,m_min,m_max,app_mode,custom_TD_OP))
options.parallel = false #indicate we are working in serial (1 Julia worker, but still use multi-threading)
(P_sub,TD_OP,set_Prop) = setup_constraints(constraint,comp_grid,options.FL) #get projectors onto simple sets, linear operators, set information
(TD_OP,AtA,l,y) = PARSDMM_precompute_distribute(TD_OP,set_Prop,comp_grid,options) #precompute and distribute quantities once, reuse later
Some properties of each set are stored in set_Prop
. For example, we can see if set number 2 is non-convex using set_Prop.ncvx[2]
. To see what set number 2 is, as generated by our scripts above, we can use set_Prop.tag[2]
, which returns a tuple of (constraint type, linear operator description, application mode, application direction if applicable).
ncvx ::Vector{Bool} #is the set non-convex? (true/false)
AtA_diag ::Vector{Bool} #is A^T A a diagonal matrix?
dense ::Vector{Bool} #is A a dense matrix?
TD_n ::Vector{Tuple} #the grid dimensions in the transform-domain.
tag ::Vector{Tuple{String,String,String,String}} #(constraint type, linear operator description, application mode,application direction if applicable)
banded ::Vector{Bool} #is A a banded matrix?
AtA_offsets::Union{Vector{Vector{Int32}},Vector{Vector{Int64}}} #only required if A is banded. A vector of indices of the non-zero diagonals, where the main diagonal is index 0
We are ready to solve the projection problem, using the projectors and linear operators generated as above, or using your own.
#project onto intersection, twice to get accurate timing
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM(m,AtA,TD_OP,set_Prop,P_sub,comp_grid,options);
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM(m,AtA,TD_OP,set_Prop,P_sub,comp_grid,options);
Visualize the results.
#define axis limits and colorbar limits
xmax = comp_grid.d[1]*comp_grid.n[1]
zmax = comp_grid.d[2]*comp_grid.n[2]
vmi = 1500
vma = 4500
#project original model and the one that is projected onto the intersection
figure();imshow(permutedims(reshape(m,(comp_grid.n[1],comp_grid.n[2])),[2,1]),cmap="jet",vmin=vmi,vmax=vma,extent=[0, xmax, zmax, 0]); title("model to project")
figure();imshow(permutedims(reshape(x,(comp_grid.n[1],comp_grid.n[2])),[2,1]),cmap="jet",vmin=vmi,vmax=vma,extent=[0, xmax, zmax, 0]); title("Projection (bounds and bounds on D_z)")
#plot PARSDMM logs
subplot(3, 3, 3);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.r_pri) ;title("r primal")
subplot(3, 3, 4);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.r_dual) ;title("r dual")
subplot(3, 3, 1);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.obj) ;title(L"$ \frac{1}{2} || \mathbf{m}-\mathbf{x} ||_2^2 $")
subplot(3, 3, 2);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.set_feasibility);title("TD feasibility violation")
subplot(3, 3, 5);plot(log_PARSDMM.cg_it) ;title("nr. of CG iterations")
subplot(3, 3, 6);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.cg_relres) ;title("CG rel. res.")
subplot(3, 3, 7);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.rho) ;title("rho")
subplot(3, 3, 8);plot(log_PARSDMM.gamma) ;title("gamma")
subplot(3, 3, 9);semilogy(log_PARSDMM.evol_x) ;title("x evolution")
#tight_layout(pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0, h_pad=1.0)
Now we project onto the same intersection, but we solve the sub-problems in parallel. This means we compute the \(y_i\)-minimization (proximal maps), \(v_i\)-update (Lagrangian multipliers), \(\rho_i\) (augmented-Lagrangian penalty parameters), and \(\gamma_i\) (relaxation parameters) on different Julia
workers for each index \(i\). To activate this type of parallelism, we need to start Julia as Julia -p 4
. The only change to the code is to set the flag (options.parallel = true
options.parallel = true
#if we change to parallel computions, we need to repeat the precomputations and distribution
(P_sub,TD_OP,set_Prop) = setup_constraints(constraint,comp_grid,options.FL)
(TD_OP,AtA,l,y) = PARSDMM_precompute_distribute(TD_OP,set_Prop,comp_grid,options)
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM(m,AtA,TD_OP,set_Prop,P_sub,comp_grid,options);
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM(m,AtA,TD_OP,set_Prop,P_sub,comp_grid,options);
Multilevel serial PARSDMM computes the projection onto an intersection starting on a coarsened grid. The result is then used as initial guess for a finer grid. Serial PARSDMM computes the PARSDMM sub-problems on each level in serial using a single Julia worker (still multi-threaded). First we need to decide on the number of levels and the coarsening factor.
options.parallel = false
#2 levels, the gird point spacing at level 2 is 3X that of the original (level 1) grid
n_levels = 2 #integer
coarsening_factor = 3.0 #float
The multilevel version of PARSDMM has a slightly different setup. What we did before as part of PARSDMM_precompute_distribute
, is now included as part of setup_multi_level_PARSDMM
. The quantity TD_OP_levels
is a vector of vectors of linear operators. Access linear operator number \(1\) on level \(2\) as TD_OP_levels = TD_OP[2][1]
, so the first index refers to the level. The script setup_multi_level_PARSDMM
sets up all linear operators, proximal maps and projectors on each grid in advance, such that we can reuse it if we project many times onto the same intersections, as we would do if PARSDMM serves as the projection part of the projected-gradient algorithm.
#set up all required quantities for each level
(TD_OP_levels,AtA_levels,P_sub_levels,set_Prop_levels,comp_grid_levels) = setup_multi_level_PARSDMM(m,n_levels,coarsening_factor,comp_grid,constraint,options)
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM_multi_level(m,TD_OP_levels,AtA_levels,P_sub_levels,set_Prop_levels,comp_grid_levels,options);
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM_multi_level(m,TD_OP_levels,AtA_levels,P_sub_levels,set_Prop_levels,comp_grid_levels,options);
The only difference from multilevel serial PARSDMM is the flag options.parallel = true
. This options will solve the PARSDMM sub-problems on each grid on multiple Julia workers.
#now use multi-level with parallel PARSDMM
options.parallel = true
#2 levels, the gird point spacing at level 2 is 3X that of the original (level 1) grid
n_levels = 2
coarsening_factor = 3.0
#set up all required quantities for each level
(TD_OP_levels,AtA_levels,P_sub_levels,set_Prop_levels,comp_grid_levels) = setup_multi_level_PARSDMM(m,n_levels,coarsening_factor,comp_grid,constraint,options)
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM_multi_level(m,TD_OP_levels,AtA_levels,P_sub_levels,set_Prop_levels,comp_grid_levels,options);
@time (x,log_PARSDMM) = PARSDMM_multi_level(m,TD_OP_levels,AtA_levels,P_sub_levels,set_Prop_levels,comp_grid_levels,options);